Alcohol Addiction Intervention
When your loved one is struggling with addiction, you may not know what to do. Getting them help can be even more challenging when they’re in denial about their drug or alcohol problem. When it comes to alcohol, a few drinks a week can quickly turn into a full-blown addiction. This person may convince themselves they’re fine but struggle in the dark. When you feel as if you’ve exhausted all your resources and have nowhere else to turn, you may decide that it’s time to hold an alcohol addiction intervention.
What Happens During an Alcohol Addiction Intervention?
Some people who struggle with alcoholism may reject receiving addiction treatment. An intervention is a group meeting that allows the individual’s loved ones to confront them about their substance abuse in a safe and comfortable environment. During a drinking intervention, addicts and their family members will have the opportunity to have a constructive discussion about the addiction and how it’s affecting everyone involved. The purpose of this meeting is to encourage the individual to get help and promote healing within the family.
Substance abuse affects the person as well as their loved ones. A good intervention will not only motivate the addicted individual to receive treatment for alcoholism, but it will also help them take the first step in making amends with the ones they’ve hurt. A successful alcohol addiction intervention requires a good amount of planning. Before staging an alcohol intervention meeting, you should decide the location, the time, who will be attending and create a script to use as a template to follow. You should also research addiction ahead of time and ask any other participants to do the same. Many family members are encouraged to write an intervention letter that explains how the individual’s addiction has impacted them. This letter should not be accusatory but focus on the family member’s concern for their addicted loved one. Having a script that maps out each point of the intervention can help temper emotions and prevent any problems that may make the individual feel as if they’re being attacked.

Getting Help from a Certified Intervention Specialist
The most successful alcoholism interventions are planned and conducted by a certified intervention specialist (CIP). A CIP will help the addicted individual understand the need for recovery with the proper support and education. Substance abuse interventionists are trained professionals that also help to break down the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding drug and alcohol intervention programs. They can also prevent any family drama from getting in the way of the meeting’s purpose. Some research even suggests that interventions lead by CIP’s resulted in addicts agreeing to get help around 90% of the time.1
Intervention for Alcohol Abuse at Novak’s House

As a CIP himself, Brandon Novak has been able to help numerous families plan and conduct interventions for their loved ones. He takes the time to listen and respond to each family’s story and creates an intervention plan that meets their needs. Whether it’s through the phone, email, or Skype, Brandon makes himself available to everyone who reaches out to him for help. Because he is in addiction recovery himself, Brandon has firsthand experience with substance abuse and the rehab admission process. His knowledge and personal experience allow him to relate to the individual and encourage them to receive addiction treatment.
Getting help for a loved one addicted to drugs or alcohol isn’t always easy. If you are in need of intervention help, call Brandon today at (610)-314-6747.