Brandon Novak, CIP is a Certified Intervention Professional. This means that he has completed coursework and is board-certified to conduct safe and effective drug and alcohol interventions to help others get started on the road to recovery.
If you have a loved one who is currently addicted to drugs or alcohol and is resistant to seeking treatment, Brandon and his Intervention Team can help.
What Does a Certified Intervention Professional Do?
A CIP specializes in conducting safe drug and alcohol interventions for individuals who are struggling with alcoholism or addiction. Staging an intervention can be challenging for families or loved ones of addicted individuals and a CIP can assist in properly orchestrating an intervention.
Certified Intervention Professionals help with the planning and orchestration of an intervention for your loved one. If they are unaware of the severity of their addiction or simply unwilling to get help, an intervention may save their life.

How Can a Certified Intervention Professional Help Your Loved One?
Approaching an individual with a substance abuse issue is a delicate matter that can escalate and/or backfire without the help of trained professionals. With the assistance of Certified Intervention Professionals, there is a much improved chance of reaching a person who desperately needs help without chaos.
By having a CIP organize and conduct your friend or family member’s intervention, the addicted individual will be introduced to the idea of recovery with the support, insight, and education necessary to make an informed decision. They will be more likely to embrace the idea of a healthy, happy new life in recovery.
Drug and alcohol interventions guided by a trained intervention professional help to remove the stigma, blame, and drama from the experience to help the entire family understand the recovery process and options available. Trained in conflict management and communications, these recovery specialists will speak to your loved one on a level that helps encourage optimism and desire for change.
How to Find a Certified Intervention Professional to Conduct Drug and Alcohol Interventions
Contact Brandon and his Intervention Team today to schedule a drug or alcohol intervention to help your loved one escape a life of addiction and embark on a life of freedom.Call Today: 610-314-6747 .
Drug and Alcohol Interventions
When someone you care about has a drug or alcohol addiction, their problem is clear to you, but they may be in denial. Whether they are unaware of the severity of their addiction or simply unwilling to get help, an intervention may save their life. Many families try to stage an intervention on their own, but ultimately without the right guidance, it can fail and matters may only get worse. The best chance of success is to get the assistance of a Certified Intervention Professional who will help both your loved one and your whole family start the healing process.
What Is a Certified Intervention Professional?
A Certified Intervention Professional (CIP) is a special credential from the Pennsylvania Certification Board given to alcohol and drug intervention specialists who meet certain requirements. Certified Intervention Professionals must apply for the title and pass necessary coursework in order to qualify.
People who successfully obtain the title of CIP, specialize in conducting safe alcohol and drug interventions for those struggling with addiction. They will help friends and families with the intervention itself as well as the extensive planning process beforehand in order to ensure the greatest chance of success.
How Can a Certified Intervention Professional Help Your Loved One?
Approaching an individual with a substance abuse problem is a delicate matter that can escalate quickly or even backfire without the help of trained intervention professionals. Certified Intervention Professionals can help increase the chance of reaching your loved one and getting them into addiction treatment.By having a CIP organize and conduct your friend or family member’s intervention, the addicted individual will be introduced to the idea of recovery with the support, insight, and education necessary to make the decision for themselves. Drug and alcohol interventions guided by a trained intervention professional also helps remove the stigma, blame, and drama from the experience to help the entire family understand the recovery process and options available. Trained in conflict management and communications, these recovery specialists will speak to your loved one on a level that helps encourage optimism and desire for change. Instead of feeling attacked, a frequent result when there is not a professional drug interventionist present, they will be more likely to embrace the idea of taking steps to a healthier and happier new life in recovery.
It isn’t just your loved one who can benefit from the help of a professional interventionist. Close friends and family members who participate in the intervention will also find the professional help advantageous for several reasons. An intervention may be the first time that friends and family members feel heard without immediately being dismissed by their addicted loved one. The intervention specialist will also help educate everyone on substance abuse and addiction recovery including how everyone can start moving forward together. This type of meeting can be the first step in the family’s healing process.
Brandon Novak, CIP
Brandon Novak is a national Certified Intervention Professional who travels the country helping those struggling with addiction as well as their loved ones with the intervention process. He has completed coursework on the topic and is board-certified to conduct safe and effective drug and alcohol interventions to help others get started on the road to recovery.Not only is Brandon a Certified Intervention Professional, but he has personal experience with addiction as well. Although he was a star skateboarder and television personality, Brandon Novak’s past was also clouded by substance abuse. He struggled with alcohol and heroin addictions for many years before finally getting sober. Because he has been in the position himself, he can offer your loved one the support and understanding they need to feel comfortable during the process and increase their chances of getting treatment.
Friends and family alone may not always have the power to persuade their loved one to get help either, but many people, especially young adults, look up to celebrities. Having a celebrity interventionist that they admire could be the added influence your loved one needs to finally agree to get treatment. Being that Brandon is well-known in the skateboarding community as well as a former television star, your loved one may be more likely to listen to him than to you.
If you have a loved one who is currently addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and is resistant to seeking treatment, Brandon and his Intervention Team can help. Contact them today to schedule a drug and/or alcohol intervention to help your loved one escape a life of addiction and embark on a life of freedom. Call Today: 610-314-6747.