Brandon Novak Has Spoken
Brandon Novak has given live presentations regarding his experiences with drug addiction and alcoholism and his subsequent recovery to students, prisoners, and government leaders to help spread awareness that recovery is possible for anyone.
Below are testimonials and reviews from past speaking engagements where Brandon shared his personal story and inspired others to start on the road to recovery or avoid the pitfalls of drug and alcohol use before addiction takes hold.

"Brandon is one of the most powerful speakers in this important campaign. His message reaches, inspires and motivates the students to engage and be part of the solution in helping to end America’s worst drug crisis."
- Rick Rendon
Executive Producer National Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness Campaign
Senior Partner/The Rendon Group
“Brandon made a big impact on the students. I spoke with one of my friends who brought his daughter [to the DEA 360 Summit], and she said Brandon’s presentation was AMAZING.”
- Guy A. Gomez, M.A.
Diversion Outreach Coordinator
Drug Enforcement Administration Los Angeles Field Division
“Connecting with kids about an issue as serious as substance use disorder isn’t easy... Brandon has spoken at several of our youth opioid summits and regardless of what region of the country we're in, in arenas filled with thousands of kids, you could hear a pin drop as he shares his story. He’s honest, he’s engaging and he’s passionate about recovery. I'm grateful to have him in this fight alongside me.”
- Jim Wahlberg
Executive Director
Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation
“Thanks again to Brandon for visiting Thameside this week. As you’ll see from the feedback below, Brandon’s session resonated with a lot of prisoners. Please keep in touch, good luck with the new book and let us know when you can next visit.”
- Neil Barclay
Prison Library Manager
HM Prison Thameside, London, England
HM Prison Thameside Inmate Reviews
“Brandon’s talk was inspiring and honest and I felt he was really brave to talk so openly in front of a group of strangers.”
“I feel inspired today after listening to the talk as if he can come back from where he was then so can I.”
“I really enjoyed it! He was a really good speaker and I could’ve listened to him for another hour, it gave me hope to hear his story.”
“I was really impressed by Brandon’s honestly in his talk and his strength in dealing with the things he has been through; his message had a huge impact for the guys here and was genuinely inspiring.”
How to Book Brandon Novak for Your Speaking Engagement
Contact Brandon today to book him to speak at your drug & alcohol recovery event.